Saturday, March 22, 2008

No .Lyrical. Title. Today.


They are what makes or breaks a band, artist, group, whatever you shall call it. Its when you often find out if your favorite singer is real or fake. If what they are singing is a voice gifted to them or a voice created by a computer. Yes, concerts can make you fall in love again or break your heart. But what makes a concert good? Is it the show that is provided like Panic!at the disco puts on for their audience? or is it the artist and the audience like it is for Modest Mouse? OR is it cold hearted strictly professional like it is for the Hush Sound. Each artist is different some are all performance, some are wanting to take time to connect to their audience, others get so into the music its love, others treat it like a business deal.

Each concert is a new experience. A new way to live and listen to music. It can be such a romanticized event sometimes for those who truly love an artist's music. A chance to get lost in the music. Concerts are one big gathering. Sometimes they stand for something Woodstock, Aids benefit concerts, Cancer benefit concerts. There is just something about them that is moving....

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